- 微信红包之我见
📅 2025-02-11
- Mandelbrot set
📅 2025-01-28
The intricacies of the Mandelbrot set are fascinating, which is why I implemented it myself and enjoy exploring it. Additionally, by using a different calculation, we can generate the Julia set. Both are very famous fractal shapes.
- الجذر التربيعي ل 2
📅 2025-01-13
في هذه المقالة، أنوي أن أشرح الجذر التربيعي لاثنين (جذر ٢) بطريقة يمكن لطلاب المدارس المتوسطة أو حتى الابتدائية فهمها بسهولة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، سنستكشف أهمية الجذر التربيعي لاثنين في الرياضيات من خلال دراسة خصائصه وتاريخه، وكذلك تطبيقاته في مجالات مثل الهندسة والرياضيات التطبيقية.
- 咱们程序员: 从Ada到AI的编码人员编年史——序,自序及第一章(我们是谁?)
📅 2024-12-30
某天,当我在O'Reilly上浏览的时候,突然发现了Uncle Bob的新书,《We, Programmers: A Chronicle of Coders from Ada to AI》。我一眼就看出这是我长久以来找寻的东西。如果不是这样一本书出现在我面前,我也想自己去整理这些信息。
- How I Built My Personal Website
📅 2024-11-11
Building my personal website has been both a learning experience and a way to relax. It's just satisfying to make something yourself. In this post, I’ll explain why I decided to switch from using GitHub Pages + Jekyll to Amplify + Next.js, and walk you through the actual migration process, including Static Site Generation, Dynamic Routes, and MDX.
- Who's Who in Computer Science
📅 2024-10-01
- AI and Mathematics
📅 2024-08-27
Discover the symbiotic relationship between AI and mathematics. Learn how mathematical theories support AI algorithms and how AI advances mathematical research.
- Square Root of n
📅 2024-06-05
Building upon the square root of 2, we can develop a simple algorithm to calculate the square root of any number n with some extensions. Similarly, I strive to use methods that middle school and even primary school students can easily understand.
- Reading & Learning Recommendations
📅 2022-03-03
This is my personal reading list, focusing primarily on technology-related books, but also including works on philosophy, art, and literature. It is updated periodically.